
We aim for registration to be as simple and as safe as possible for both our users and our data. To Register, click on the Login or Register link on the top right hand area in the top menu.

Once on the login screen, click on the Register Here button help-registration-01.png

Here you'll be asked a few questions. Feel free to make an alias for your first and last name, we don't really care, but we'll never share that information.

Your email address is the most important part here, as you'll need it to register and confirm your account. We'll ask for your password as soon as you confirm your email address.


You'll get a site alert that your account has been created.


Wait a few seconds and you should get our confirmation email. If you don't receive it in a timely manner, double check your spam folder. If your ISP has blocked that particular email address and you don't have access, just use the Forgot Password form to activate your account (you'll still need to confirm via email). Click on the link and you'll be prompted to set your password on the next page.


Just type your password in twice. We don't require, but we highly recommend a strong password. The minimum length of a password is 8 characters.


Once you've set your password we'll automatically log you in and you're all set to create your Characters and Settings!


Thank you for choosing RPG Worlds!